Cycling participation in Tasmania
Also see cycling participation in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
Mandatory bicycle helmet laws were enforced in Tasmania for all ages from 1 January 1991.
Below is extracted from Day to Day Travel in Australia 1985-86 published 1988 by the Federal Office of Road Safety.

Across Tasmania, the data above suggest that when surveyed over the full 12 months of 1985/86 including winter, there were 29,300 bike trips per day by Tasmanian cyclists aged 9+.
Below is extracted from 2011 Australian Cycling Participation published by Austroads and the Australian Bicycle Council.

Across Tasmania, the data above suggest that when surveyed in the warm months of March and April, 63,116 people in Tasmania aged 10+ cycled per week in 2011, which equates (multiplied by an average 5.7 trips per week in Tasmania divided by seven days) to an average 51,394 trips per day.
Compared to the 29,300 in 1985/86, this represents an increase of 75.4% from 1985/86 to 2011, with the population of Tasmania increasing 16.3% from 1986 to 2011 (436,353 to 507,626).
It should be noted that 1985/86 was four years before helmet law enforcement in Tasmania.
The tables below show state percentages of cycling weekly, monthly and yearly based on 2011 Australian Cycling Participation, 2013 Australian Cycling Participation, 2015 Australian Cycling Participation, 2017 Australian Cycling Participation and 2019 Australian Cycling Participation published by Austroads and the Australian Bicycle Council.

The data above show there was a decrease in Tasmanian weekly cycling participation from 2011 to 2019 - down from 18.9% to 14.8%, while monthly cycling declined from 28.0% to 22.3% and yearly cycling declined from 40.2% to 34.4%.
Aged 9+, the data above suggest daily bike trips decreased 26.5% from 1985/86 to 2019 (29,300 > 21,524), despite Tasmanian 9yo+ population growth of 26.3% from 1985 to 2019 (380,035 > 479,816).
Survey data above suggest an increase in Tasmanian cycling participation from 1985/86 to 2011 but a decline from 2011 to 2019.
Also see cycling participation in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory.